Impact evaluation of a central Australian Aboriginal cultural awareness training program for health professionals and students

Impact evaluation of a central Australian Aboriginal cultural awareness training program for health professionals and students Journal Article

Journal of the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet

  • Author(s): Rissel, C, Liddle, L., Ryder, C, Wilson, A., Bower, M, Richards, B
  • Published: 2022
  • Volume: 3

Abstract: The aim of this study was to prospectively evaluate the impact of a Central Australian cultural awareness training program for health care staff. A mixed methods approach was used. Program participants completed a baseline and post-program questionnaire, which included an attitude scale assessing cultural safety, critical thinking and transformative unlearning, and open-ended questions. An online follow-up survey two months later repeated these questions. Mean scale scores were compared using paired and unpaired t-tests. Qualitative data were analysed thematically. Baseline scale mean was 45.7. At post-program it had statistically significantly increased to 47.3, using both the paired (p<0.01) and unpaired t-test (p=<0.03). By the time of the two-month follow-up it had decreased to 42.2 (95% confidence interval 39.4 – 45.0).

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Suggested Citation
Rissel, C, Liddle, L., Ryder, C, Wilson, A., Bower, M, Richards, B, 2022, Impact evaluation of a central Australian Aboriginal cultural awareness training program for health professionals and students, Volume:3, Journal Article, viewed 07 December 2024,

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