German born residents in the Northern Territory – why are they ‘sticky’?

German born residents in the Northern Territory – why are they ‘sticky’? Report

Working paper 01/2018.

  • Author(s): Maertens, Anita
  • Published: 2018
  • Publisher: Northern Institute, Charles Darwin University

Abstract: This demographic study of the Northern Territory’s German born population identifies factors that have contributed to their attraction and retention as long-term residents. Policymakers are concerned with growing the Territory’s population by attracting more long-term residents, especially skilled workers and females. German born migrants are significant in this context as they have been present in the Northern Territory(NT) since the 1800s, there have been many more females than males arriving in recent years, and the German born NT workforce, especially the women, is highly skilled and educated. This study profiles German born residents using ABS Census data and presents results from a recent online survey. Germans were found to represent a diverse migrant group that had moved to the NT for a variety of personal and work-related reasons, seeking work and lifestyle opportunities, a sunnier climate, counter-urban lifestyles and adventure in this peripheral, northern region of Australia. Germans were found to be ‘sticky’ as a result of overall satisfaction with life and work in the NT.

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Suggested Citation
Maertens, Anita, 2018, German born residents in the Northern Territory – why are they ‘sticky’?, Report, viewed 19 April 2024,

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