Engagement with Indigenous communities in key sectors

Engagement with Indigenous communities in key sectors Report

Resource Sheet

  • Author(s): Janet Hunt
  • Published: 2013
  • Publisher: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare & Australian Institute of Family Studies
  • Volume: Closing the Gap Clearinghouse

Abstract: This resource sheet examines the evidence of what is working (or not) in approaches to engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in some key sectors that are best represented in the literature on engagement. The paper reviews evidence from studies of Indigenous engagement in three sectors: • early childhood services • environmental and natural resource management (NRM) activities • health programs. These studies cover different levels of engagement from local engagement through to regional, state-wide and national engagement. The lessons from these sectors are consistent with those on regional engagement. The resource sheet also considers the research on international non-government organisations (NGOs) and their engagement with Indigenous communities and organisations in the areas of health, early childhood and financial literacy This resource sheet is intended to complement the Clearinghouse issues paper Engaging with Indigenous Australia—exploring the conditions for effective relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, which outlines evidence of Indigenous engagement more generally in Australia and overseas.

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Suggested Citation
Janet Hunt, 2013, Engagement with Indigenous communities in key sectors, Volume:Closing the Gap Clearinghouse, Report, viewed 15 October 2024, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=3456.

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