Enduring community value from mining: conceptual framework

Enduring community value from mining: conceptual framework Report

CRC-REP Working Paper

  • Author(s): Davies, J, Maru, Y, May, T
  • Published: 2012
  • Publisher: Ninti One Limited
  • Volume: CW007

Abstract: Enduring Community Value (ECV) from mining refers to lasting benefit to groups of people and entities who have some kind of stake in mining. Our interest in this concept is focused on communities in remote regions of Australia, particularly communities with strong place-attachment. The aim of this analysis is to develop a conceptual framework for realising the ECV from mining as a foundation for further research and associated action. We developed the conceptual framework for ECV through analysis of literature and a researcher workshop. For the literature analysis, we interrogated literature at the six intersections of four concepts: mining, remote communities, sustainability, and resilience. We searched the Web of Knowledge database to identify literature at the six intersections of these four concepts. Articles identified by each search were then culled against relevance criteria. The resulting six sets of journal articles and conference papers were analysed to identify the content and implications of each publication that are relevant to the concept of ECV. Each set highlighted various issues and experiences. Key points are: Mining and resilience Mining and sustainability Mining and remote communities Resilience and remote communities Sustainability and remote communities Resilience and sustainability

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Suggested Citation
Davies, J, Maru, Y, May, T, 2012, Enduring community value from mining: conceptual framework, Volume:CW007, Report, viewed 15 October 2024, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=5007.

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