Education and Indigenous tourism: An exploration of Southern Cross University initiative

Education and Indigenous tourism: An exploration of Southern Cross University initiative Conference Proceedings

CAUTHE 2005: Sharing Tourism Knowledge

  • Author(s): Buultjens, Jeremy, Boyd, Bill
  • Published: 2005
  • Publisher: Council of Australian Tourism and Hospitality Education

Abstract: The potential for tourism to generate economic and cultural benefits for Indigenous people has been well recognized. However, the demand for Indigenous tourism product does not seem to be able to be met by the current supply of Indigenous tourism opportunities. While there appears to be a need to develop more Indigenous attractions, tours and interpretation centres to meet projected demand, there is also a critical need for increased capacity building, especially with regard to managing businesses in cross-cultural contexts. An important component of capacity building is the provision of appropriate expertise through education and training programs, and the development of entrepreneurship and capacity building among Indigenous tourism businesses and the Indigenous workforce in the tourism industry. This would provide for the development of appropriate expertise, knowledge and skills for not only successful Indigenous business activity, but also to contribute to cultural development and empowerment. The paper describes features of the development and introduction of an Indigenous Tourism Management degree program at Southern Cross University.

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Buultjens, Jeremy, Boyd, Bill, 2005, Education and Indigenous tourism: An exploration of Southern Cross University initiative, Conference Proceedings, viewed 09 October 2024,

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