Editorial – Intellectual Property Law and Indigenous Traditional Knowledge

Editorial – Intellectual Property Law and Indigenous Traditional Knowledge Report

Intellectual Property Forum

  • Author(s): Christopher Sexton, Natalie Stoianoff
  • Published: 2013

Abstract: Indigenous peoples throughout the world have lived through various eras and forms of European colonisation. It is arguable that, on the international stage in the past decade, a new era of colonisation has emerged as Indigenous peoples face the steady appropriation of their molecular essences, their knowledge of molecular essences and processes of all life forms, and other forms of appropriation of their many elements of their traditional knowledge and cultural heritage. Indigenous peoples today face increasing external pressures and demands from governments, organisations and corporations as they are perceived as potential sources of solutions for global issues related to restoring the earth’s ecological balance and for resourcing a shifting world economic base.

Notes: refer also to Indigenous Knowledge Forum

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Christopher Sexton, Natalie Stoianoff, 2013, Editorial – Intellectual Property Law and Indigenous Traditional Knowledge, Report, viewed 13 October 2024, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=3459.

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