Ear and hearing health of Indigenous children in the Northern Territory

Ear and hearing health of Indigenous children in the Northern Territory Report

  • Author(s): Australian Institute of Health and Welfare,
  • Published: 2011
  • Publisher: Communications, Media and Marketing Unit - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Abstract: The report presents data from the Australian Government-funded follow-up ear and hearing health services delivered through the Child Health Check Initiative (CHCI) and then the Closing the Gap (CtG) in the Northern Territory National Partnership Agreement. These services were made available to children in prescribed areas of the Northern Territory from August 2007.This report provides information on the following aspects of the program as delivered until May 2011: • follow-up services provided to children with an audiology or ear, nose and throat referral from their Child Health Check (CHC) • details of audiology and ENT services provided • ear and hearing health status of children who received audiology and ENT services.

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Australian Institute of Health and Welfare,, 2011, Ear and hearing health of Indigenous children in the Northern Territory, Report, viewed 06 October 2024, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=2851.

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