Do social exclusion and remoteness explain the digital divide in Australia? Evidence from a panel data estimation approach

Do social exclusion and remoteness explain the digital divide in Australia? Evidence from a panel data estimation approach Journal Article

Economics of Innovation and New Technology

  • Author(s): Afshar Ali, Mohammad, Alam, Khorshed, Taylor, Brad
  • Published: 2020
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • Volume: 29
  • ISBN: 1043-8599

Abstract: Despite rapid digital development in the past two decades, the remote parts of Australia still experience disadvantages with the adoption and diffusion of digital technology. As the adoption of information and communication technology continues to increase at a significant rate, investigating the underlying factors of the digital divide in general and also in the context of social exclusion in Australia is pertinent. The current study fills the gap in the existing body of knowledge by exploring the effect of socio-demographic factors and remoteness on the digital divide landscape with a country-specific focus on Australia. Using state-wide longitudinal data covering the 1998-2015 period within the panel data estimation framework, this study finds that digital divide is significantly associated with socio-demographic factors and remoteness in Australia. Moreover, the findings affirm that in addition to telecommunication infrastructure development, policymakers should also underscore socio-demographic factors in shaping digital inclusion strategies.

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Suggested Citation
Afshar Ali, Mohammad, Alam, Khorshed, Taylor, Brad, 2020, Do social exclusion and remoteness explain the digital divide in Australia? Evidence from a panel data estimation approach, Volume:29, Journal Article, viewed 15 October 2024,

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