Djalkiri rom and gifts, talents, and talent development: Yolnu way, an Australian Aboriginal approach to talent development

Djalkiri rom and gifts, talents, and talent development: Yolnu way, an Australian Aboriginal approach to talent development Journal Article

Australasian Journal of Gifted Education

  • Author(s): Genevieve, Thraves, Penelope, Baker, Jeanette, Berman, Adele, Nye, Miriam, Dhurrkay
  • Published: 2021
  • Publisher: Australasian Journal of Gifted Education
  • Volume: 30

Abstract: Giftedness has long been recognised as a cultural construct. Further, the processes and practices for developing talents are culturally influenced. Yet, there is little existing research into Australian Aboriginal understandings of giftedness and talent. There is a need to move beyond pan-Aboriginality when considering Australian Aboriginal views, and with this in mind, this paper reports the findings of an investigation into Yolngu conceptions of giftedness, talent, and talent development. Importantly, for the Yolngu participants in this study, these constructs are grounded in their foundation law (Djalkiri Rom). It follows that identification of giftedness relies on observation of traits and behaviours that, when harnessed, will serve these cultural priorities. It also follows that the practices and processes used by the Yolngu to develop talents will be mediated by their cultural milieu. This has implications for young people from cultural minority backgrounds, including Australian Aboriginal students, who often find their approaches to giftedness and talent sidelined at school.

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Genevieve, Thraves, Penelope, Baker, Jeanette, Berman, Adele, Nye, Miriam, Dhurrkay, 2021, Djalkiri rom and gifts, talents, and talent development: Yolnu way, an Australian Aboriginal approach to talent development, Volume:30, Journal Article, viewed 09 October 2024,

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