Diabetes health in East Arnhem Land – from the feet up

Diabetes health in East Arnhem Land – from the feet up Journal Article

Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal

  • Author(s): Turner, Joseph, Avery, Emma
  • Published: 2006
  • Volume: 30
  • ISBN: ISSN: 1037-3403

Abstract: After years of research being dominated by Western scientific models and ways of knowing, Indigenous knowledge production and translation is gaining increasing attention and recognition. As a consequence this has led to the development of Collaborative Centres of Indigenous Health Research such as the Lowitja Institute in Australia. It is believed that a sharing of knowledge between Indigenous and non-Inidgenous people will lead to a collborative, culturally appropriate approach to research that can achieve postive benefits to 'close the gap' in Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander health disparities.

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Suggested Citation
Turner, Joseph, Avery, Emma, 2006, Diabetes health in East Arnhem Land – from the feet up, Volume:30, Journal Article, viewed 15 October 2024, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=14875.

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