Developing a Culturally Appropriate Therapeutic Approach with Indigenous Australians

Developing a Culturally Appropriate Therapeutic Approach with Indigenous Australians Journal Article

Australian Psychologist

  • Author(s): Vicary, D,., Andrews, H.
  • Published: 2000
  • Volume: 35

Abstract: Many Australian psychologists have little information about how to perform culturally appropriate assessment and therapy with Aboriginal clients. This article explores relevant history that affects the psychological health of Aboriginals, and contrasts the western perspective on mental health with Aboriginal beliefs. A case study is used to illustrate a process that might be used by non-Aboriginal therapists when working with Aboriginal clientele. The case study contrasts a culturally sensitive approach with common western psychotherapeutic processes. Recommendations for the enhancement of culturally appropriate therapeutic interventions are discussed.

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Suggested Citation
Vicary, D,., Andrews, H., 2000, Developing a Culturally Appropriate Therapeutic Approach with Indigenous Australians, Volume:35, Journal Article, viewed 15 October 2024,

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