Detection of 12.5% and 25% salt reduction in bread in a remote Indigenous Australian community

Detection of 12.5% and 25% salt reduction in bread in a remote Indigenous Australian community Journal Article


  • Author(s): McMahon, Emma, Clarke, Rozlynne, Jaenke, Rachael, Brimblecombe, Julie
  • Published: 2016
  • Volume: 8
  • ISBN: 2072-6643

Abstract: Food reformulation is an important strategy to reduce the excess salt intake observed in remote Indigenous Australia. We aimed to examine whether 12.5% and 25% salt reduction in bread is detectable, and, if so, whether acceptability is changed, in a sample of adults living in a remote Indigenous community in the Northern Territory of Australia. Convenience samples were recruited for testing of reduced-salt (300 and 350 mg Na/100 g) versus Standard (~400 mg Na/100 g) white and wholemeal breads (n = 62 for white; n = 72 for wholemeal). Triangle testing was used to examine whether participants could detect a difference between the breads. Liking of each bread was also measured; standard consumer acceptability questionnaires were modified to maximise cultural appropriateness and understanding. Participants were unable to detect a difference between Standard and reduced-salt breads (all p values > 0.05 when analysed using binomial probability). Further, as expected, liking of the breads was not changed with salt reduction (all p values > 0.05 when analysed using ANOVA). Reducing salt in products commonly purchased in remote Indigenous communities has potential as an equitable, cost-effective and sustainable strategy to reduce population salt intake and reduce risk of chronic disease, without the barriers associated with strategies that require individual behaviour change.

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McMahon, Emma, Clarke, Rozlynne, Jaenke, Rachael, Brimblecombe, Julie, 2016, Detection of 12.5% and 25% salt reduction in bread in a remote Indigenous Australian community, Volume:8, Journal Article, viewed 06 October 2024,

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