Abstract: Invasive native scrub (INS) has caused major changes to landscapes in the Western Catchment of NSW. To allow for the management of INS under the Native Vegetation Act 2003 a simplified assessment process was developed for INS Property Vegetation Plans (PVPs). The Western Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has established five sites to demonstrate the implementation of INS PVPs. The INS management at these sites uses a combination of the clearing types available under an INS PVP. The management must comply with the conditions of the PVP to ensure environmental outcomes are improved or maintained. The requirements of the PVP are outlined in this paper. Using the demonstration sites to provide information to landholders, contractors and staff leads to more effective management of INS and compliance with PVPs. An effective INS PVP will result in a mosaic of native vegetation types in the landscape creating a diversity of habitats. The control of INS has benefits for production and the environment with improved native groundcover and soil stability.