’Dad, where are we going to live now?’: Exploring fathers’ experiences of homelessness

’Dad, where are we going to live now?’: Exploring fathers’ experiences of homelessness Journal Article

Australian Social Work

  • Author(s): McArthur, Morag, Zubrzycki, Joanna, Rochester, Anthony, Thomson, Lorraine
  • Published: 2006
  • Volume: 59

Abstract: In 2003, over 41 000 families with accompanying children throughout Australia were assisted by homeless services. Sole fathers with children in their care who are homeless are a minority group within this overall population of homeless families and, as such, little is known about their experiences of homelessness and fathering. The present paper reports on an exploratory study of sole fathers with children in their care who were homeless in the Australian Capital Territory. The study identifies the fathers' pathways into and experiences of homelessness, and the fathers share their stories of what it means to be a sole father. The paper identifies the issues fathers may experience when dealing with homelessness and fatherhood. An increased understanding of these experiences can contribute to the development of further research and improved practice with such families.

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McArthur, Morag, Zubrzycki, Joanna, Rochester, Anthony, Thomson, Lorraine, 2006, ’Dad, where are we going to live now?’: Exploring fathers’ experiences of homelessness, Volume:59, Journal Article, viewed 07 October 2024, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=4349.

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