Cultural safety in health for Aboriginal people: will it work in Australia?

Cultural safety in health for Aboriginal people: will it work in Australia? Journal Article

Medical Journal of Australia

  • Author(s): Van den Berg, R.
  • Published: 2010
  • Volume: 193

Abstract: Attitudinal changes of medical and nursing staff will change the status quo of Aboriginal health, and changing antiquated images of a past era is a step in the right direction. We can alter the negativity associated with Aboriginal people and their cultures by recognising their unique value to Australia’s past, present and future. If implementing and maintaining cultural safety for Aboriginal people means improving their wellbeing and survival, then it should be compulsory in all spheres of health practice in this country.

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Suggested Citation
Van den Berg, R., 2010, Cultural safety in health for Aboriginal people: will it work in Australia?, Volume:193, Journal Article, viewed 05 October 2024,

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