Abstract: The modern native foods industry in Australia, excluding Macadamia, is still in its infancy. The research presented here is aimed at improving our capacity to grow and market quality native food produce. Aspects covered include cultivation of key native food species in different locations, pests and diseases, harvest and yield of produce and information about produce quality. The information should be of interest to existing and potential growers of native food crops and to buyers and sellers of native food produce. The produce quality information sheets may also be a useful guide for consumers. The aims of this publication are as follows 1. Maintain native foods trials established in RIRDC project CSL-11A (Evaluating performance of cultivated bushfood plants in south Australian environments), monitor survival and growth, harvest produce and record yield. 2. Identify the main quality criteria for produce (fruits, seeds, leaves) of key native food species and provide information for industry development. 3. Investigate major soil borne diseases of quandong.