Crazy paving or stepping stones? Learning pathways within and between vocational education and training and higher education

Crazy paving or stepping stones? Learning pathways within and between vocational education and training and higher education Book

  • Author(s): Harris, Roger, Rainey, Linda, Summer, Robert
  • Published: 2006
  • Publisher: NCVER
  • ISBN: 1 921170 01 8 print 1 921170 07 7 web

Abstract: Patterns of pathways between and within vocational education and training (VET) and higher education are examined in this study. It compares the notion of straightforward pathways with what is actually happening. The researchers interviewed 49 students in South Australia who had participated in VET and/or higher education and who had been through more than one transition between VET and higher education. The study concludes that pathways, while not necessarily seamless, and (as the title indicates) are often not straightforward, do work for the students interviewed.

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Harris, Roger, Rainey, Linda, Summer, Robert, 2006, Crazy paving or stepping stones? Learning pathways within and between vocational education and training and higher education, Book, viewed 06 December 2024,

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