Contextual and behavioural risk factors for sexually transmissible infections in young Aboriginal people in central Australia: a qualitative study

Contextual and behavioural risk factors for sexually transmissible infections in young Aboriginal people in central Australia: a qualitative study Journal Article

Sexual Health

  • Author(s): Watson, Colin, Smith, Kirsty, Latif, Ahmed, Armstrong, Wendy, Ward, James, Guy, Rebecca, Senior, Kate
  • Published: 2020

Abstract: Rates of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) in remote central Australian Aboriginal communities have been persistently high for over two decades, yet risk factors for STIs in these communities are not well understood. This qualitative study explored behavioural and contextual risk factors for STIs in young Aboriginal people in central Australia. The study identified that casual relationships between young people are common and that there is a strong association between travel, alcohol and casual sex, highlighting the ongoing need for comprehensive sexual health programs that are tailored to the specific social, cultural and interpersonal circumstances of young people in this setting.

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Suggested Citation
Watson, Colin, Smith, Kirsty, Latif, Ahmed, Armstrong, Wendy, Ward, James, Guy, Rebecca, Senior, Kate, 2020, Contextual and behavioural risk factors for sexually transmissible infections in young Aboriginal people in central Australia: a qualitative study, Journal Article, viewed 11 October 2024,

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