Constructing and maintaining houses

Constructing and maintaining houses Report

Resource Sheet

  • Author(s): Paul Pholeros, Peter Phibbs
  • Published: 2012
  • Publisher: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare & Australian Institute of Family Studies
  • Volume: Closing the Gap Clearinghouse

Abstract: This resource sheet is about the construction and maintenance of Indigenous housing. It does not cover broader questions such as the total amount of housing required or the best housing management systems, although it touches on these issues. It describes the best approaches to the construction and maintenance of Indigenous housing stock. The basic assumption taken in this document is that, in a resource-constrained environment, it is very important to focus on ensuring that the investment in Indigenous housing generates an improvement in housing function for the residents. The reason this issue is important is that many of the current approaches to construction and maintenance do not seem to be working. There is evidence, which is described in the next section, of continuing problems with the standard of Indigenous housing. This is particularly disturbing because we know that there is a clear relationship between the quality of Indigenous housing and the health outcomes of the occupants. This resource sheet refers to construction and maintenance issues in all geographical areas, although the evidence highlights that some of the greatest challenges lie in remote areas.

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Paul Pholeros, Peter Phibbs, 2012, Constructing and maintaining houses, Volume:Closing the Gap Clearinghouse, Report, viewed 06 October 2024,

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