Abstract: The unifying experiences of the indigenous and local people, are the social and economic disadvantage experienced by indigenous peoples and local communities, surrounded by wealth-producing projects. Chapters on Australian Aboriginals, chapters on Timor Leste. Aust & NZ content. Langton is at the University of Melbourne. Contents pt. I Impacts, strategies and choices: the resource extraction industry and the economic and social status of indigenous and local peoples 1.The resource curse compared: Australian Aboriginal participation in the resource extraction industry and distribution of impacts 2.Curse or opportunity? Mineral revenues, rent seeking and development in Aboriginal Australia 3.Measuring indigenous outcomes from mining agreements in Australia: the role of applied demography 4.Papua New Guinea: conflicts, customary landholding and resource exploitation 5.Mining companies as agents for social development: the case for more effectual corporate-community investments pt. II Agreements, taxation and natural wealth accounts: distribution, preservation and economic development 6.Legal forms and their implications for long-term relationships and economic, cultural and social empowerment: structuring agreements in Australia 7.Five principles for managing Timor-Leste's natural resource revenue wisely 8.The development forum in Papua New Guinea: evaluating outcomes for local communities 9.Tax law and policy for indigenous economic development in Australia 10.Native title agreements, taxation and economic development in Australia 11.The income tax-exempt charitable structure as a vehicle for holding Australian native title interests: some lessons from New Zealand pt. III Economic development for local and indigenous people: case studies of the dynamics among states, corporations and local communities 12.Turning a benefit agreement into practical development: a case study of a Papua New Guinea development foundation 13.From paternalism to partnership: the Good Neighbour Agreement and the Argyle Diamond Mine Indigenous Land Use Agreement in Western Australia 14.Engaging communities in resource development initiatives in Timor-Leste 15.To be destitute or to benefit: corporate social responsibility and mining in South Africa.