Community development through mine site rehabilitation projects

Community development through mine site rehabilitation projects Conference Paper

MCA Sustainable Development Conference

  • Author(s): Ashton, P, Evans, L
  • Published: 2005
  • Publisher: Minerals Council of Australia

Abstract: Premier Coal has been operating in Collie for over 50 years and has a large rehabilitation legacy which is critical to the sustainability drive of the company. In recent times, employment in the energy and power generation sectors in the Collie community has halved, due to major changes in the energy market. Premier Coal is committed to assisting the Collie community address unemployment issues by applying the principle of "value-added" rehabilitation — leaving a positive legacy after mining through developing economic and social diversity sustainability initiatives. These initiatives have been recognised through Premier Coal winning the 2004 national Banksia Award - "Leading Sustainable Mining Practices", the 2004 WA State Award for "Corporate/Business Leading by Example" and the 2005 Golden Gecko Award for Environmental Excellence. Projects are undertaken with individual community working group committees formed to drive initiatives forward. Community, Researcher and Government engagement has been vital in the challenge of transforming rehabilitation projects into a community or on-going commercial ventures. These partnerships have had a profound effect on sorting out technical issues and the legal maze required for development of rehabilitation end uses. The program has been underway for nearly ten years and is focussed on: ∞ Lake Kepwari (Western 5B) Project - converting a mine to recreational lake of 103 hectares; ∞ The Collie Motorplex - recycling mine infrastructure into a motor sports and driver training complex; and ∞ The Western 5H Aquaculture Precinct - for research and economic development.

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Suggested Citation
Ashton, P, Evans, L, 2005, Community development through mine site rehabilitation projects, Conference Paper, viewed 05 October 2024,

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