Community based telepsychiatry service for older adults residing in a rural and remote region- utilization pattern and satisfaction among stakeholders

Community based telepsychiatry service for older adults residing in a rural and remote region- utilization pattern and satisfaction among stakeholders Journal Article

BMC Psychiatry

  • Author(s): Dham, Pallavi, Gupta, Neeraj, Alexander, Jacob, Black, Warwick, Rajji, Tarek, Skinner, Elaine
  • Published: 2018
  • Volume: 18
  • ISBN: 1471-244X

Abstract: Evaluation of telepsychiatry (via videoconference) for older adults is mostly focussed on nursing homes or inpatients. We evaluated the role of a community based program for older adults in rural and remote regions of South Australia.

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Dham, Pallavi, Gupta, Neeraj, Alexander, Jacob, Black, Warwick, Rajji, Tarek, Skinner, Elaine, 2018, Community based telepsychiatry service for older adults residing in a rural and remote region- utilization pattern and satisfaction among stakeholders, Volume:18, Journal Article, viewed 04 November 2024,

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