Code-switching as an interactional resource in Garrwa/Kriol talk-in-interaction

Code-switching as an interactional resource in Garrwa/Kriol talk-in-interaction Journal Article

Australian Journal of Linguistics

  • Author(s): Mushin, Ilana
  • Published: 2010
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • Volume: 30
  • ISBN: 0726-8602

Abstract: This paper is a study of bilingual talk among Garrwa/Kriol speakers in the communities of Borroloola and Robinson River, NT, focussing on choices speakers make between traditional and non-traditional Indigenous languages in ordinary conversations. The analysis presented here supports the view of code-switching, recently summarized by Matras, as an interactional resource?a means by which speakers can structure their talk around the local contingencies of an interaction. Language choice may be symbolic of a particular social stance or ?social arena? in a given context, but the fact of language shift (regardless of the direction of the shift), may be equally significant in demarcating conversational activities, and marking shifts in perspective.

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Suggested Citation
Mushin, Ilana, 2010, Code-switching as an interactional resource in Garrwa/Kriol talk-in-interaction, Volume:30, Journal Article, viewed 06 October 2024,

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