Closing the gap – 2020 marks a new era

Closing the gap – 2020 marks a new era Journal Article

Independent Education

  • Author(s): Willis, Jessica
  • Published: 2020
  • Volume: 50
  • ISBN: ISSN: 1320-9825

Abstract: It's been 12 years since the Closing the Gap framework was established to close the life expectancy gap between First Nations and non-First Nations people in Australia. 2020 marks a new era in the framework, as the Coalition of Australian Governments (COAG) and the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations (Coalition of Peaks) work to create a new National Agreement on Closing the Gap which is more inclusive of First Nations voices. IE journalist Jessica Willis breaks down the last decade of the campaign, the government framework and why a new National Agreement is necessary.

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Suggested Citation
Willis, Jessica, 2020, Closing the gap – 2020 marks a new era, Volume:50, Journal Article, viewed 05 October 2024,

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