Climate Change in the Northern Territory

Climate Change in the Northern Territory Report

Consultancy report for the Northern Territory Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment

  • Author(s): Hennessy, K., C. Page, K. McInnes, K. Walsh, B. Pittock, J. Bathols, R. Suppiah
  • Published: 2004
  • Publisher: CSIRO

Abstract: This report presents results of a project undertaken by CSIRO for the Northern Territory Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment to assess observed and projected climate change over the Territory, as well as potential impacts and knowledge gaps. This assessment draws upon the latest findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published in 2001, as well as more recent information about regionally-specific changes in temperature, rainfall, potential evaporation, tropical cyclones and storm surges

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Suggested Citation
Hennessy, K., C. Page, K. McInnes, K. Walsh, B. Pittock, J. Bathols, R. Suppiah, 2004, Climate Change in the Northern Territory, Report, viewed 11 October 2024,

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