Chronic disease health literacy in First Nations people: A mixed methods study

Chronic disease health literacy in First Nations people: A mixed methods study Journal Article

Journal of Clinical Nursing

  • Author(s): Rheault, Haunnah, Coyer, Fiona, Bonner, Ann
  • Published: 2021
  • Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
  • Volume: 30
  • ISBN: 0962-1067

Abstract: Aim To explore chronic disease education, self-management and health literacy abilities from First Nations Australian adults with chronic disease through the integration of qualitative and quantitative findings. Background Chronic disease management requires good health literacy abilities to manage long-term health needs. First Nations people have a higher burden of chronic disease although little is known regarding chronic disease health literacy of First Nations people. Design A concurrent embedded mixed methods study reported using the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research guidelines. Methods Data were collected from First Nations people with one or more chronic diseases living in remote Australia between February-November 2017. Quantitative data (n = 200) were collected using the Health Literacy Questionnaire along with demographic and health data. Qualitative data (n = 20) were collected via face-to-face interviews to examine chronic disease education and self-management experiences. Data were analysed separately then integrated to develop meta-inferences. Results Poor communication from healthcare providers coupled with low health literacy abilities is a major barrier to both active and successful management of chronic disease. Communicating in medical jargon resulted in individuals being placed in a power differential causing lack of trust and relationship breakdowns with healthcare providers affecting active chronic disease self-management. The perception of inevitability and ambivalence towards chronic disease and the notion of futility towards self-management were concurred with the low level of active engagement in health care. Conclusions Yarning is an important strategy used by First Nations people for communication. For nurses, understanding and developing skills in yarning will facilitate cultural safety, communication and understanding about chronic disease self-management in contexts where health literacy abilities are challenged. Relevance to Clinical Practice Using yarning, and plain language visual aids, and teach-back will readdress the power differential experienced by First Nations people and may also improve understanding of chronic disease self-management.

  • Urls:
  • Keywords: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, chronic disease, First Nations people, health literacy, health literacy questionnaire, Indigenous, mixed methods, nursing, rural health

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Suggested Citation
Rheault, Haunnah, Coyer, Fiona, Bonner, Ann, 2021, Chronic disease health literacy in First Nations people: A mixed methods study, Volume:30, Journal Article, viewed 15 October 2024,

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