Between Art and Anthropology: Contemporary Ethnographic Practice

Between Art and Anthropology: Contemporary Ethnographic Practice Edited Book

  • Author(s): Arnd Schneider , Christopher Wright
  • Published: 2010
  • Publisher: Berg

Abstract: Between Art and Anthropology provides new and challenging arguments for considering contemporary art and anthropology in terms of fieldwork practice. Artists and anthropologists share a set of common practices that raise similar ethical issues, which the authors explore in depth for the first time. The book presents a strong argument for encouraging artists and anthropologists to learn directly from each other's practices 'in the field'. It goes beyond the so-called 'ethnographic turn' of much contemporary art and the 'crisis of representation' in anthropology, in productively exploring the implications of the new anthropology of the senses, and ethical issues, for future art-anthropology collaborations. The contributors to this exciting volume consider the work of artists such as Joseph Beuys, Suzanne Lacy, Marcus Coates, Cameron Jamie, and Mohini Chandra. With cutting-edge essays from a range of key thinkers such as acclaimed art critic Lucy R. Lippard, and distinguished anthropologists George E. Marcus and Steve Feld, Between Art and Anthropology will be essential reading for students, artists and scholars across a number of fields Contents Between art and anthropology / Arnd Schneider and Chris Wright Farther afield / Lucy R. Lippard The artist as shaman: the work of Joseph Beuys and Marcus Coates / Victoria Walters Hearing faces, seeing voices: sound art, experimentalism and the ethnographic gaze / John Wynne In the thick of it: notes on observation and context / Christopher Wright Fieldwork as artistic practice / Tatsuo Inagaki Affinities: fieldwork in anthropology today and the ethnographic in artwork / George E. Marcus Show and tell: weaving a basket of knowledge / Amiria Salmond and Rosanna Raymond Tracing histories / Mohini Chandra and Rebecca Empson Collaborative migrations: contemporary art in & as anthropology / Steven Feld, in conversation with Virginia Ryan Making art ethnography: painting, war and ethnographic practice / Susan Ossman Cultural knowledge on display: Chinese and Haudenosaunee fieldnotes / Morgan Perkins Making do: the materials of art and anthropology / AnnaGrimshaw, Elspeth Owen and Amanda Ravetz

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Arnd Schneider , Christopher Wright, 2010, Between Art and Anthropology: Contemporary Ethnographic Practice, Edited Book, viewed 18 January 2025,

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