An integrated approach to attracting and retaining teachers in rural and remote parts of Australia

An integrated approach to attracting and retaining teachers in rural and remote parts of Australia Journal Article

Journal of Economic and Social Policy

  • Author(s): Kelly, Nick, Fogarty, Rod
  • Published: 2015
  • Volume: 17

Abstract: This paper presents an argument for an integrated approach to attracting and retaining rural and remoteteachers. It describes existing government funded research and state government policies in this domain. Itbuilds upon existing sociological models to propose a model of the factors influencing teacher decisions toteach in a rural location and to stay in a location. Based upon this model and the background literature thepaper proposes that policy ought to be directed towards addressing both internal and external influences uponteacher behaviours in an integrated way.

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Suggested Citation
Kelly, Nick, Fogarty, Rod, 2015, An integrated approach to attracting and retaining teachers in rural and remote parts of Australia, Volume:17, Journal Article, viewed 05 December 2024,

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