Aboriginal Economy and Society : Australia at the threshold of colonisation

Aboriginal Economy and Society : Australia at the threshold of colonisation Book

  • Author(s): Keen, I
  • Published: 2004
  • Publisher: Oxford

Abstract: Compares and contrasts aspects of Aboriginal economy and society across seven different regions. It reconstructs and explores the relationships between land and technologies. Contents 1. Introduction. Part I: Ecology. 2. Environments and resources 3. Technology 4. The seasonal round: population, settlement, and mobility. Part II: Institutions. 5. Identities 6. Kinship and marriage 7. Cosmology and quasi-technology 8. Governance. Part III: Economy. 9. Control of the means of production 10. Organisation of production 11. Distribution and consumption 12. Exchange and trade 13. Conclusion.

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Suggested Citation
Keen, I, 2004, Aboriginal Economy and Society : Australia at the threshold of colonisation, Book, viewed 19 April 2024, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=5530.

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