A thematic history of bilingual education in the Northern Territory

A thematic history of bilingual education in the Northern Territory Book Section

History of Bilingual Education in the Northern Territory: People, Programs and Policies

  • Author(s): Devlin, Brian, Disbray, Samantha, Devlin, Nancy
  • Secondary Author(s): Devlin, Brian Clive, Disbray, Samantha, Devlin, Nancy Regine Friedman
  • Published: 2017
  • Publisher: Springer Singapore
  • ISBN: 978-981-10-2078-0

Abstract: In 1950 Robert Menzies, then Prime Minister of Australia, was party to a little known, high-level agreement which acknowledged that in some circumstances a bilingual approach in education might be the best way to reach more traditionally oriented Aboriginal students in remote areas of the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia.

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Devlin, Brian, Disbray, Samantha, Devlin, Nancy, 2017, A thematic history of bilingual education in the Northern Territory, Book Section, viewed 24 January 2025, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=13092.

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