A sustainable approach to community-based rehabilitation in rural and remote Australia

A sustainable approach to community-based rehabilitation in rural and remote Australia Conference Paper

10th National Rural Health Conference: Rural Health: the place to be...

  • Author(s): Ann Bonner, Julie Pryor, Judith Crockett, Rod Pope, Ruth Beecham
  • Published: 2009

Abstract: This paper presents a summary of an extensive review of the health, disability and rehabilitation literature conducted for the purposes of informing the formulation of a sustainable approach to community-based rehabilitation in rural and remote Australia. It begins with a review of definitions of disability and rehabilitation, which is followed by differentiating ‘rehabilitation in the community’ and ‘community-based rehabilitation’. Finally, a network of community-based rehabilitation coalitions is proposed as a sustainable approach to community-based rehabilitation in rural and remote Australia. Each coalition would have a community rehabilitation facilitator and community specific database of resources, as well as a register of local community rehabilitation assistants who can support the work of health professionals by providing rehabilitation interventions under the latter’s direction. In this approach, rehabilitation is conceptualised as being about people’s lives rather than only a series of interventions provided by health care professionals. As such, rehabilitation becomes everybody’s business.

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Suggested Citation
Ann Bonner, Julie Pryor, Judith Crockett, Rod Pope, Ruth Beecham, 2009, A sustainable approach to community-based rehabilitation in rural and remote Australia, Conference Paper, viewed 19 January 2025, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=3076.

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