A cow rotation in the Gascoyne: Mt Augustus, WA

A cow rotation in the Gascoyne: Mt Augustus, WA Report

DKCRC Working Paper

  • Author(s): Walsh, D
  • Published: 2009
  • Publisher: Desert Knowledge CRC
  • Volume: 58

Abstract: The rotational system operates on 60,000 hectares of the most productive country in order to capitalise on the better feed and grazing potential. There are five paddocks, four of which are 10,000 hectares and one is 20,000 hectares. The paddocks are fenced with four-wire electric fencing. Each of the 10,000 hectare paddocks has seven waterpoints and there are 14 in the larger paddock. The Hammarquists move tanks and troughs between the paddocks to reduce capital costs and maximise the use of infrastructure. Cattle are run in a single mob of 570 to 1,800 cows depending on seasonal conditions. The paddocks are each grazed for a fixed amount of time. The smaller paddocks are each used for three months and the bigger paddock is used for six months. Cattle numbers are adjusted to ensure that these time periods are maintained.

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Walsh, D, 2009, A cow rotation in the Gascoyne: Mt Augustus, WA, Volume:58, Report, viewed 06 October 2024, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=4899.

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