A Continuous Quality Improvement Approach to Indigenous Housing and Health

A Continuous Quality Improvement Approach to Indigenous Housing and Health Journal Article

Environmental Health

  • Author(s): Bailie, R. S., Wayte, K. J.
  • Published: 2006
  • Volume: 6

Abstract: “There is a growing body of evidence on the effectiveness of modern continuous quality improvement (CQI) approaches in a variety of industries. The development of CQI theory has been paralleled by an increasing recognition of the value of ecological approaches to health promotion and community interventions. In this paper we propose a long term ecological and quality improvement approach to maximise the impact of housing programs on Indigenous health, and discuss how some current key initiatives could be developed to support such an approach. State and Commonwealth data systems on Indigenous housing are patchy and inconsistent. From an ecological perspective, there are three important gaps in information, which include a lack of indicators relating to a) hygiene promotion; b) workforce development; and c) information systems development. Factors that will be important in improving health through an ecological approach to housing related interventions can be described in three categories: infrastructure factors; behavioural factors; and factors in the policy environment. Efforts to improve health through housing interventions should adequately target all three areas of influence concurrently. A CQI approach could provide a way for community and other organisations to be effectively engaged in housing initiatives.”

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Suggested Citation
Bailie, R. S., Wayte, K. J., 2006, A Continuous Quality Improvement Approach to Indigenous Housing and Health, Volume:6, Journal Article, viewed 11 October 2024, https://www.nintione.com.au/?p=4316.

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