Outcomes and recommendations of the Feral Camel Action Plan Workshop 13–14 April 2005

Outcomes and recommendations of the Feral Camel Action Plan Workshop 13–14 April 2005 Policy Briefings

DKCRC Working Paper

  • Author(s): Edwards, GP,
  • Published: 2008
  • Publisher: Desert Knowledge CRC
  • Volume: 25

Abstract: In 2004, the Northern Territory Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment applied for funding through the National Feral Animal Control Programme to conduct a workshop focussing on developing a coordinated and strategic program to manage the impacts of feral camels. There was general consensus among the workshop participants that the key to successfully managing the impacts of feral camels lay in the implementation of the following recommendations: Recommendation 1: Development of an integrated national approach to feral camel management involving collaboration and promoting attitudinal changes. This would require coordination across various jurisdictions and stakeholder groups. Recommendation 2: Identification and protection of key assets currently or likely to be affected by feral camels (species/sites/infrastructure). Recommendation 3: Clarification of environmentally ‘acceptable’ camel population levels across a range of situations. Recommendation 4: Clarification of how and where the camel ‘industry’ can contribute to feral camel management.

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