Australian indigenous tertiary studies: A discussion with professor David Boud on experience-based learning and the transformation of university courses

Australian indigenous tertiary studies: A discussion with professor David Boud on experience-based learning and the transformation of university courses Project Resources

The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education

  • Author(s): Norman, Heidi
  • Published: 2012
  • Publisher: DKCRC
  • Volume: 41
  • ISBN: 1326-0111

Abstract: This article critically examines the possibility of using Problem-Based Learning as an approach to teaching and learning and curriculum design in Indigenous studies. This approach emphasises the potential for Experience-Based Learning or Problem-Based Learning as a model that frames the curriculum and pedagogical activities to encourage student engagement with key issues in ways they find meaningful. It takes the form of an interview with Professor David Boud, a well-known scholar in this area.

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