UAV Surveillance work for the management of woody weeds

UAV Surveillance work for the management of woody weeds Presentations

Research symposium: linking social science and natural resource management; SA Department of Water Lands and Biodiversity Conservation

  • Author(s): Bryson, M., Sukkarieh. S.
  • Secondary Author(s): Meat and Livestock Australia
  • Tertiary Author(s): Meat and Livestock Australia
  • Published: 2011
  • Volume: Audiovisual Proceedings, DVD Vol 7

Abstract: Woody weed infestations that cover large open grassland areas are difficult to control and their management is extremely costly and time consuming. The aim of this project was to develop and test Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) surveillance systems which can detect woody weed infestations and provide the information needed for woody weed control and eradication. The project focussed on the sensor and data fusion algorithms needed for weed detection and the precise positioning of a dispenser for the distribution of herbicide at the infestation point. Two types of UAV systems were used in the project, a fixed-wing UAV (FUAV) for broad acre surveillance, and a rotary-wing UAV (RUAV) for precision targeting around the weed. Results of the project demonstrated the ability to build high-resolution maps over farmland areas and classify different species of weeds within the maps using vision data collected from the UAV, and the ability to hover of specific geo-referenced locations of where weeds were detected for the distribution of the herbicide.

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