Teachers and families working together to build stronger futures for our children in school

Teachers and families working together to build stronger futures for our children in school Presentations

Reform and resistance in Aboriginal education

  • Author(s): Gollan, S, Malin, M
  • Secondary Author(s): Beresford, Q, Partington, G, Gower, G
  • Published: 2012
  • Publisher: University of Western Australia Press
  • Edition: Fully revised edition

Abstract: A good education is essential for making a successful life in the modern world. This book argues that Australia's Indigenous students are not being well served by the education systems. There are exceptions and some programs work well, but the system fails the majority of students. The book analyzes the reasons for this failure by looking at the context, history and social realities affecting Aboriginal education. Well researched and strongly argued chapters on the family, language, health, attendance, classroom management and the criminal justice system locate education as a dynamic part of society. The interaction between school and other agencies is given special attention. As well as looking at problems, the book provides directions for solutions. The dilemmas of the remote area school are addressed, and a number of programs are examined which are succeeding in providing a better education for Aboriginal youth.

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