Community midwifery: a primary health care approach to care during pregnancy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women

Community midwifery: a primary health care approach to care during pregnancy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women

Australian Journal of Primary Health

  • Author(s): Munns, Ailsa
  • Published: 2021

Abstract: Comprehensive primary health care is integral to meaningful client-centred care, with nurses and midwives central to partnership approaches with individuals, families and communities. A primary health model of antenatal care is needed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in rural and remote areas, where complex social determinants of health impact on pregnancy outcomes, early years and lifelong health. Staff experiences from a community midwifery-led antenatal program in a remote Western Australian setting were explored, with the aim of investigating program impacts from health service providers’ perspectives. Interviews with 19 providers, including community midwives, child health nurses, program managers, a liaison officer, doctors and community agency staff, examined elements comprising a culturally safe community antenatal program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, exploring program benefits and challenges. Thematic analysis derived five themes: Organisational and Accessibility Factors; Culturally Appropriate Support; Staff Availability and Competencies; Collaboration; and Sustainability. The ability of program staff to work in culturally safe partnerships with clients in collaboration with community agencies was essential to building meaningful and sustainable antenatal strategies. Midwifery primary health care competencies were viewed as a strong enabling factor, with potential to reduce health disparities in accordance with Australian Government and research recommendations.

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  • Keywords: Aboriginal antenatal care, community midwife, primary health care, rural and remote practice, cultural safety, Aboriginal community antenatal program, culturally safe maternity care, antenatal primary health care practice, midwifery primary health care competencies

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