The next generation of workers in Australia: their views on organizations, work and rewards

The next generation of workers in Australia: their views on organizations, work and rewards Presentations

International Journal of Human Resource Management

  • Author(s): Taylor, Jeannette
  • Published: 2005
  • Publisher: Indigenous Studies Summer Program on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Policy, Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race, Columbia University
  • Volume: 16

Abstract: This study draws upon a small sample of university students in Australia to investigate how organizational preferences are related to different attitudes about work and reward. It extends past sectoral research to analyse both sectoral and organizational differences, and looks beyond individuals who are working in the sectors and organizations, to those who aspire to enter the various sectors and organizations, and therefore is valuable for recruitment. Apart from a few exceptions, the respondents in this survey who intend to enter the different sectors in the near future appeared to be largely motivated by job attributes which are similar to those reported in past studies on the employees in these sectors.

Research Notes: PB

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