Indigenous Women’s Experiences of Work: Key Issues in Urban Queensland

Indigenous Women’s Experiences of Work: Key Issues in Urban Queensland Presentations

Exchange/meeting for researchers working in the ATSI arts/cultural area

  • Author(s): Demosthenous, Hellene T, Robertson, Boni, Demosthenous, Catherine M
  • Tertiary Author(s): Security4Women Incorporated
  • Published: 2010

Abstract: This research project was funded by Queensland Working Women‟s Service (QWWS) for Security4Women, which is an incorporated body that is funded by the Australian Government through the Office for Women (OfW), Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaCSIA). Security4Women works to promote lifelong economic wellbeing for women and is now called economic Security4Women (eS4W). QWWS is an organisation providing information, referral and support to women who work in Queensland. Driving this eS4W project is a commitment to inform government and the actions and interventions of agencies, like QWWS, and on how to best serve Indigenous women in the workplace. Though the project focuses on Indigenous women, the authors wish to make clear that the issues raised affect many Indigenous people (including men). The current project builds upon our work in a recent report entitled: Indigenous Women and QWWS. Whilst that report was primarily concerned with the ways in which QWWS might improve it service to Indigenous women in Queensland, it also provided a glimpse of Indigenous women‟s employment experiences, which was the catalyst to the current project. The current work is designed to examine Indigenous women‟s experiences of work, with a focus on key issues in urban Queensland. Its main objective is to explore those issues that continue to impede Indigenous women‟s employment and promotion at work. This objective is seen to be of crucial importance to enhancing the economic security and wellbeing of Indigenous women and their families.

Research Notes: ART

Notes: ISBN 978-0-9807095-7-5

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