

July 2, 2018

Reconciliation Action Plan

We are very proud of our connection to and respect for Arrernte land. Our name Ninti One means ‘clever one’ in Pitjantjatjara, which reflects our desire to be a capacity builder and knowledge broker in remote Australia.

Our Board is proudly led by renowned Aboriginal Leader Professor Tom Calma AO, who also serves as Chancellor of the University of Canberra and Co-Chair of Reconciliation Australia. He is an Elder from the Kungarakan tribal group and a member of the Iwaidja tribal group in the Northern Territory.

Ninti One’s objective is to work with people in remote Australia to foster resilient and thriving communities. We are committed to building partnerships and collaborations that achieve on-ground outcomes through:

  • Participatory practice that recognises the cultural diversity and cultural authority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
  • Being end-user and outcome focused;
  • Taking whole of systems approaches in order to achieve lasting change;
  • Building capacity based on existing strengths; and
  • Generating and using evidence and measuring change.

Download our Reconciliation Action Plan Ninti-One-RAP-2018