Commissioner is required to report annually to the Attorney-General regarding the exercise and enjoyment of human rights by Australia's Indigenous peoples. This provision also allows the Commissioner to make recommendations…
This article, based on a Cooperative Research Centre for Remote Economic Participation (CRC-REP) research project - 'Pathways to Employment' - will canvas the proposition that mobile technology can be used…
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods 7e is a highly regarded text that presents a comprehensive and balanced introduction to both qualitative and quantitative approaches to social research with…
Yan-nhangu is a language spoken by about 15 people in the Crocodile Islands, off of the coast of the Northern Territory. The Yan-nhangu language belongs to the Yolngu Matha language…
Within Australia's education revolution lies another, quieter revolution that attempts to raise the profile and status, and improve the learning outcomes, of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples: children,…
The AEDI provides a national snapshot of young children’s health and development. In 2009, information was collected on 261,203 children who comprised 97.5% of the estimated Australian five-year-old population in…
This research examines the links between teachers’ understandings, professional learning and government policy with regard to improving literacy outcomes for students of Indigenous descent in a metropolitan school in the…
The production, analysis and presentation of Indigenous data are not neutral interpretations of numerical counts. Institutionally positioned within a portrayal of Australian national social trends, the data’s ubiquity belies their…
The purpose of this report is to identify key issues in the sustainability of Alice Springs as a desert settlement that services its own and surrounding populations. It necessarily takes…
Law, Knowledge, Culture : The Production of Indigenous Knowledge in Intellectual Property Law
In this essay I argue that the domain of Aboriginality is constituted by non Aboriginal/Aboriginal relations of power whereby the State operates as a proxy for these relations. The domain…
This report reviews past fire management practices on conservation reserves in central Australia and makes recommendations on the best way to manage fire. It includes a summary of relevant ecological…
The growing feral camel population in central Australia is a cause for concern at many levels and is the subject of a cross-jurisdictional Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre (DKCRC) project…
Because they are established and widespread, feral camels are one of the 73 or so species of introduced vertebrates occurring on mainland Australia that do not meet the criteria to…
The Workforce NT Report 2008 brings together detailed information about the Territory’s labour force, the sectors of the population which are employed, where and in what industries. It also provides…
The workshop was held as part of two concurrent fire management projects: Desert Fire and the Consultancy to produce a Fire Management Strategy for Uluru–Kata Tjuta National Park (UKTNP). Both…
Feral camels have potential commercial uses. A camel industry has been emerging in Australia over the last 20 years, but it is still very small. This chapter reviews the potential…
In 2004, the Northern Territory Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment applied for funding through the National Feral Animal Control Programme to conduct a workshop focussing on developing a coordinated…
Objective: To examine mortality from all causes and from cardiovascular disease (CVD), and CVD hospitalisation rate for a decentralised Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory. Design and participants: For a…
Covers the issues that indigenous communities face, with specific chapters devoted to the areas of children, youth, family violence, and criminal justice. "The health and welfare of Australia's Indigenous population…
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