Introduction and Aims.While petrol sniffing afflicts several isolated Indigenous groups internationally, few studies have examined the factors contributing to continued sniffing following treatment. This study aims to describe those factors…
This article explores a project at the Koori Centre, University of Sydney, funded by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) in 2011, titled 'Indigenous On-Line Cultural Teaching and Sharing'.…
The More Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Teachers Initiative (MATSITI) Project is a four-year national scheme to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people entering and remaining…
Despite claims of a negative impact on Indigenous school attendance due to mobility no attempt has been made to estimate the number of school-age Indigenous children away from a home…
The idea of modernity is increasingly called upon to describe and understand change in Indigenous societies, replacing the older paradigms of colonisation, culture change and the short-lived misnomer hybridity. This…
Surprisingly little research has been carried out about how Australian Aboriginal children and teenagers experience life, shape their social world and imagine the future. This volume presents recent and original…
This new edited volume has been written by a diverse group of health professionals, the majority of whom are Indigenous Australians. A life cycle approach has been adopted, with chapters…
The National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assessments are designed to assess literacy and numeracy of all Australian school children in years 3, 5, 7 and 9, and…
Improving the engagement and outcomes of Australian Indigenous people through training is underpinned by understanding the nature and experiences of learning for different people in a range of contexts. A…
We report a case study of community involvement in industry and regional development which took a whole-system approach to growing the tourist industry in central Australia. All stages of the…
This paper draws on the lessons learned from an evaluation of a program designed to support Indigenous people into employment. The program (TrainingPlus), managed by the Desert Peoples Centre (DPC)…
A recurring theme in Indigenous affairs in Australia is a tension between maintenance of Indigenous culture and achievement of socio-economic 'equity': essentially 'self-determination' versus 'assimilation'. Implicit in this tension is…
Issues of safety in remote Indigenous communities are well documented. Many reports focus on communities that face high rates of offences, including domestic violence, child abuse, drug and substance abuse,…
For a number of years, Nungalinya College, based in Darwin, has provided accredited training for Yolu from Arnhem Land. One course called Bilingual Family and Community Studies, partly funded by…
The Let's Start Indigenous Preschool Programtargets Indigenous children aged 3-7 years of age who present with social-emotional and behavioural issues such as aggressive behaviour, non-compliant behaviour, withdrawn behaviour, shyness or…
This article focuses on the qualitative methodologies employed in a research project developed in collaboration with Aboriginal advisors and gaining an in-depth understanding of Aboriginal Victorian peoples’1 connection to their…
Indigenous Australians have poorer self-assessed health than non-Indigenous Australians, have higher rates of hospitalisation and higher prevalence rates for many diseases, experience an earlier onset of disease, and suffer a…
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide instructional guidance on how to increase validity and reduce subjectivity in qualitative studies, such as grounded theory. The paper also…
This report documents the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Healing Foundation Development Team’s findings from a national consultation process, conducted from May to August 2009, regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait…
Rainbow Valley Conservation Reserve (‘the Reserve’) was established in 1984 and fire has been used as a management tool since that time, primarily to reduce the risk of wildfires, but…