This report was developed as part of the CRC for Remote Economic Participation Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Tourism Product Project. The report aims to build knowledge for Aboriginal and…
This report was developed as part of the CRC for Remote Economic Participation (CRC-REP) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Tourism Product Project. The report provides an overview of various visitor…
Talk, Text and Technology is an ethnography of language, learning and literacy in remote Indigenous Australia. This study traces one Indigenous group from the introduction of alphabetic literacy in the…
This report is a review of current literature and research on climate change projections, impact, vulnerability, adaptation, energy futures and carbon economies in remote Australia. It is intended to inform…
In this article I discuss the way Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and reflexivity is employed in a university environment to address the question of how we can most successfully transfer knowledge…
In this working paper the authors outline 60 existing, new and emerging technologies that are relevant to beef producers in remote Australia as well as to industry researchers and service…
Setting Up Sociological Research
The purpose of this discussion paper is to briefly highlight various perspectives regarding key concepts associated with climate change vulnerability and adaptation, as well as some of the commonly used…
Apmeraltye Ingkerreke: People of one land, All together
This report provides an overview of fire in central Australia as a context for a regional focus on the southern Tanami Desert. A comparison of two periods of widespread fires,…
Accurate data about Indigenous child health is vital to enable us to understand its current state, to acknowledge achievements, and to determine how to reduce inequalities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous…
Providing efficient yet cost effective telecommunication systems to Aboriginal people living in remote locations has proven to be a challenging task. This is primarily due to low population density and…
Indigenous Knowledges in Education: Complexities, Dangers, and Profound Benefits
Objective: To describe rates of hospitalisation for head injury due to assault among Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Design, setting and participants: Secondary analysis of routinely collected hospital morbidity data for…
This is an easily readable book that explores how Indigenous men understand their lives, their health and their culture. Using conversations, stories and art, the author shows how Kimberley desert…
This project focuses upon the Pitjantjatjara-, Yankunytjatjara-, and Ngaanyatjarra-speaking communities in Central Australia, located in the region known as the NPY Lands. This target group forms a large part of…
This report provides a five year plan for investment in Indigenous land and sea management across the NT. It provides advice to government agencies on both coordinating current investment and…
This article addresses the paradox of the persistence, growth, and increasing circulation of work in indigenous media and acrylic painting in Aboriginal Australia, despite the alarming political turn against gains…
This paper was completed under contract to the State of Victoria through the State Services Authority. It draws on recent Victorian, Australian, and international literature in order to provide an…
In the first Annual Review of Psychology chapter since 1977 devoted exclusively to work motivation, we examine progress made in theory and research on needs, traits, values, cognition, and affect…
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