Remote Australia Online is not simply a stockpile of remote Australia knowledge. It is designed to be a comprehensive first point of contact for remote Australia knowledge users.
As it is the first and only such resource of its type, included content must meet a number of criteria to ensure the platform remains both useful and valid. Resource quality and currency will be tracked through in-built data tracking functionality.
Content is aimed at users that may include political and economic decision makers, academics, journalists, new media specialists, and lobbyists involved in remote Australia work.
Anyone can submit a resource for consideration to be included provided it meets the following guidelines.
To be considered for Remote Australia Online, resources must be of specific relevance to remote Australia.
Relevant resources address one or more of the following:
If relevant, the resource must also be authoritative to be considered for inclusion. Authoritative resources meet one or more of the following conditions:
If relevant and authoritative, a resource is generally included in Remote Australia Online if it meets these criteria: