Remote Australia is a vast and complex area. To create opportunity, foster social inclusion and drive economic development in this region, you need a comprehensive knowledge base to drive change.
Remote Australia Online is exactly that. It’s an online platform that delivers authoritative research on topics that impact this region and its people, including education and its pathways, policy, business, social and cultural welfare, infrastructure, communication and natural resource management.
Remote Australia Online is for those who want to delve deeper into the complexities of remote Australia: its intricate and interconnected networks, the geographical, social, cultural and environmental influences, its opportunities, challenges, and to understand just what makes this unique region tick.
The delivery of health services in New South Wales is a joint responsibility between the Australian and New South Wales governments. In simple terms, the Australian Government is responsible for…
This report represents an overview of the health of Goldfields residents, to inform evidence-based
1.8 In March 2018, the Senate referred an inquiry into the accessibility and quality of mental health services in rural and remote Australia to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee…
People living in rural and remote areas face particular health challenges, many of which are attributable to their living conditions, social isolation, socioeconomic status and distance from services. Nurses constitute…
, diagnostics, restorations and examinations) services. This report presents data from the NTRAI OHP from
, what is covered in this report is more than just this understanding of legacy waste as it became
The purpose of this paper is to identify how the aged care services currently provided by Dharriwaa Elders Group (DEG) in Walgett may be affected by proposed changes to the…
The evaluation was underpinned by Indigenist research methodology and made use of a mixed-method approach to assess participants’ attitudes and beliefs about gender, violence and Aboriginal cultures, and whether participants’…
Around 7 million people—about 28% of the Australian population—live in rural and remote areas, which encompass many diverse locations and communities (ABS 2019d). These Australians face unique challenges due to…
This research was conducted as a series of community-based discussions and workshops in the Northern Territory and north Queensland1. NAILSMA provided resources, logistics, backgrounding and other support to local Indigenous…
This paper argues that the advent of Township Leasing has made some progress towards more inclusive economic and political institutions on ALRA land in the Northern Territory. It is likely…
There is a need for emergency management systems in Australia to shift to a more collaborative model that involves working with communities rather than simply delivering to communities. This research…
This report is the second of two volumes detailing the methodology and results of a major survey of
This Final Report provides a narrative account of activities and outcomes against Key Performance
Since 2006, Aboriginal land in the Northern Territory (NT) has been subject to a range of land tenure reforms, mostly government-initiated. The most momentous are three different leasing regimes that…
Between 1953 and 1963 the British, in collaboration with the Australian Government, conducted atmospheric atomic tests and malfunction trials of uranium and plutonium based devices at two locations, Emu and…
An overarching purpose of this study is to investigate and analyse the extent to which art and cultural production that has market potential can provide a viable pathway towards economic…
This is the story of suicide prevention in two remote Indigenous communities. The suicide prevention story from the Tiwi Islands (Northern Territory) and Yarrabah (Queensland) presented here is told by…
services and care, allowing for a healthy and active life.” (FAO 2012). This report was prepared by the