Remote Australia is a vast and complex area. To create opportunity, foster social inclusion and drive economic development in this region, you need a comprehensive knowledge base to drive change.
Remote Australia Online is exactly that. It’s an online platform that delivers authoritative research on topics that impact this region and its people, including education and its pathways, policy, business, social and cultural welfare, infrastructure, communication and natural resource management.
Remote Australia Online is for those who want to delve deeper into the complexities of remote Australia: its intricate and interconnected networks, the geographical, social, cultural and environmental influences, its opportunities, challenges, and to understand just what makes this unique region tick.
Strait Islander Australians. The biennial HPF report is the authoritative evidence base for Aboriginal
Introduction: In Queensland between 2019 and 2020, there was an average of 187 children aged between 10 and 17 in custody each day, with the majority of these children being…
The early years of a child’s life are the most important for learning and development. A child’s teachers in those early years are parents and families. They have a pivotal…
The Western Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey (WAACHS) is a large-scale investigation into the health, wellbeing and development of Western Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and is the…
CSIRO’s Northern Australia Sustainable Yields (NASY) project provides critical information on historical, recent and likely future water availability in a part of Australia that is renowned for its high rainfall,…
The State of the Regions (SOR) is a report prepared by National Economics and published annually by
The publication provides an update across a wide range of subjects such as population, economic, social, education, transport, infrastructure, climate and natural resources for regions north of the Tropic of…
a regular report against key indicators of Indigenous disadvantage. This report has an important
Commissioner is required to report annually to the Attorney-General regarding the exercise and
A bi-annual report detailing new projects in the minerals and energy sector, including recent
This report summarises the Healthy Homes Monitoring and Evaluation Project undertaken by Menzies
This report builds upon the Kimberley Clean Energy Roadmap (KCER) by providing updated, cost
Ensuring safe drinking water in Walgett has been a long-term priority for the Dharriwaa Elders Group (DEG) and the Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service (WAMS). Their work has raised awareness of…
Rural and remote communities’ health and wellbeing needs are often more complex than those of urban communities (AIHW, 2022). Inadequate healthcare resources and infrastructure compounds poorer health outcomes and poorer…
This literature review contributes to Phase I of the collaborative project ‘Investigating blue carbon opportunities in the NT’ (CDU, UQ & NAILSMA), which is co-funded by the INPEX operated Ichthys…
Governments and public servants need to enact the requirement to change the way public servants work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities under the Closing the Gap…
Australia has the world’s third highest life expectancy at 84.3 years. However, this national average masks the fact that the ‘lucky country’ has some rather less lucky residents. In every…
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). This report outlines the
communities across the country. For the purposes of this report, Infrastructure Partnerships
This Topical Issues paper identifies remote Indigenous housing as a structural gap in the nation’s overarching housing policies. The paper reproduces a submission to the current Productivity Commission review of…