Remote Australia is a vast and complex area. To create opportunity, foster social inclusion and drive economic development in this region, you need a comprehensive knowledge base to drive change.
Remote Australia Online is exactly that. It’s an online platform that delivers authoritative research on topics that impact this region and its people, including education and its pathways, policy, business, social and cultural welfare, infrastructure, communication and natural resource management.
Remote Australia Online is for those who want to delve deeper into the complexities of remote Australia: its intricate and interconnected networks, the geographical, social, cultural and environmental influences, its opportunities, challenges, and to understand just what makes this unique region tick.
Decolonising Mathematics Education: Transforming Pedagogy alongside First Peoples of Remote Australia
Despite some challenges, those in rural, regional and remote parts of our country report higher rates of life satisfaction than in our cities. It is critical for our society, our…
diversity of the world’s languages. This book examines the acquisition of complex morphology of
much understanding’.This book is about such songs, in particular those known by Gurindji people at
There is increasing recognition that the arts and creative sector has a crucial role to play in supporting and sustaining communities in Australia’s remotest regions where the demographics and circumstances…
experiences of trans people in Australia's Northern Territory. The book argues that whilst trans people
. Based on field research with Anangu of Central Australia, this book investigates how universal human
from anthropological expertise. This is a book about the practical aspects of anthropology that are
This book is a practical guide to the delivery of health care in rural and remote Australia
The Ngaanyatjarra Lands, deep in Western Australia, are home to the country’s most remote Aboriginal communities. Beset by social problems, the communities and their residents are detached from mainstream Australia…
How and when does music become possible? Is it a matter of biology, or culture, or an interaction between the two? Revolutionizing the way we think about the core values…
This book addresses the socio-economic impacts of rapid economic development due to a global mining
Remote Avant-Garde: Aboriginal Art under Occupation
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people operating tourism enterprises in remote Australia have increasingly recognised the benefits of working with each other and forming enterprise clusters in the bush. Working…
Discharge against medical advice (DAMA), also referred to as self-discharge, occurs when an in-patient leaves a hospital or healthcare setting before discharge is advised by the treating provider. DAMA causes…
This book gives voice to the direct practice experience of social workers working in rural and
This book provides a new take on the digital divide. Why do whole communities choose to go without
focus of intense political contestation that culminated in its ultimate demise. This book examines
Bruce’s engaging prose with additional chapters relating to Bruce’s life, the writing of the book
This book has been written for Indigenous communities and others to learn more about climate change