October 18, 2017
Project Summary: Population Mobility and Labour Markets and Transport Futures
Another project in the Regional Economies program was the Population Mobility and Labour Markets project, led by Mike Dockery from Curtin University. Research in this project generated an evidence base that could be used to help planners and decision-makers in communities and service provision improve remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s social, health and economic opportunities.
The project led to a better understanding of what drives Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to move around between communities in remote Australia and how much this happens and in what kinds of patterns. We conducted the largest ever survey of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mobility in surveys in 25 remote Aboriginal communities where residents access Alice Springs as their regional service centre. We trained and employed 83 local Aboriginal Community Researchers (ACRs) on this project to help develop the survey instruments, to conduct the surveys and to provide feedback to communities about the research findings.
Read the full article: Project Summary Mobility and Labour Markets