

July 16, 2018

Position Vacant: Senior Project Officer NBPU TIS

The National Best Practice Unit for Tackling Indigenous Smoking (NBPU TIS) supports regional tobacco grant recipients across Australia in their efforts to reduce the rates of smoking among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Based in Adelaide and reporting to the Manager NBPU TIS, this position plays a pivotal role in overseeing the support provided to TIS regional grant recipients to connect them with quality resources, tools and information. Key responsibilities include:

  • supporting the Manager NBPU TIS to manage and deliver NBPU TIS activities;
  • managing a small team of dedicated project officers;
  • identifying, developing and delivering evidence based support to regional grant recipients;
  • overseeing the high quality production of reports, papers and presentations;
  • assisting to develop and deliver NBPU TIS action and engagement plans;
  • organising and participating in frequent regional and national workshops;
  • proactively maintaining, developing and enhancing strong ongoing relationships with a wide range of NBPU TIS stakeholders.

Preferably with appropriate formal qualifications or relevant practical experience in community development and/or health promotion, the successful candidate will have strong cross-cultural skills, excellent project management, leadership and administrative skills and the capacity to work collaboratively with a diverse range of stakeholders.  Sound knowledge of the cultural, political, economic and social issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is essential, as are effective written and verbal communication skills.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are strongly encouraged to apply.  Regular and extensive intra and interstate travel will be a necessary part of the role.

For a job and person specification, please click here.

Applications in Word format only should be forwarded to Justin Hinora by email to 

Telephone enquiries are welcome and may be directed to either Justin or Lucy Dinnison-Mitchell on (08) 8100 8849.

Please note: Your application will be automatically acknowledged by return email.